Priests and Prophets… and Eating Paleo

In January, we almost mostly completed a Whole 30 reset together as a family. We’ve been here before, a couple of times, and although there were fewer bad habits to break this time, it’s always good to reassess and begin better habits over again. Looking back on these various endeavors, I think my most favoriteContinue reading “Priests and Prophets… and Eating Paleo”

The Universal History of People Doing Whatever They Feel Like Doing

In those days there was no king in Israel. People did whatever they felt like doing. – Judges 17:6 I’m reading Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones right now. At the same time, I’ve been trudging chapter by chapter through the book of Judges in the Bible. The confluence of these two narrativesContinue reading “The Universal History of People Doing Whatever They Feel Like Doing”

Sarah Ruins Jeremiah 29:11

Pete Enns has ruined Exodus, Isaiah, and Christmas, so I thought I’d take a stab at ruining one of the American Christian’s favorite Bible verses, an oft-quoted, stenciled, and memorized Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans toContinue reading “Sarah Ruins Jeremiah 29:11”

Enter Through the Narrow Gate

“Enter through the narrow gate,” Jesus told his disciples. I’ve been thinking about this narrow gate for a long time, bewildered that God would make a small entrance into his kingdom on purpose to keep people out. Jesus says the only way to the Father is through the Son, that the Son is the Way,Continue reading “Enter Through the Narrow Gate”

This Makes Me Uncomfortable

We have two teenagers in our house right now, and there are many, many, many conversations we’d rather not have with them. It would be so much easier to just… let it be. They’ll be fine. They’ll figure it out. Maybe if we ignore it, it’ll go away. There’s a model in the Bible forContinue reading “This Makes Me Uncomfortable”

One Week until Official Release of The Family Bible Devotional!

The Family Bible Devotional: Stories from the Bible to Help Kids and Parents Engage and Love Scripture officially releases August 1, but it’s available now on Amazon, and I’m so excited for it to be out in the world. This was a writing project unlike any I’ve worked on before. Here’s how: 1. It isn’tContinue reading “One Week until Official Release of The Family Bible Devotional!”

The Terrible Justice of Children

My children play war. A day doesn’t seem to pass without swords and guns, knight costumes and military hats. The sound of explosives exploding booms in some pretend space in our house. Legos line up for battle in forts defended by miniature men with blaster rays and lightsabers. “No, you’re Hitler,” my ten-year-old instructs theContinue reading “The Terrible Justice of Children”

How to Read the Old Testament without Wanting to Throw Something, or Drink, or Give Up Your Religion

The Old Testament of the Bible is hard. If you’ve taken any modern science classes, married for love instead of property, or heard about Jesus’s call to love your enemy, you probably struggle a little bit with the God of the Old Testament. The God of the Old Testament seems finicky, impatient, and intolerant. TheContinue reading “How to Read the Old Testament without Wanting to Throw Something, or Drink, or Give Up Your Religion”

Advent Day 10: The Valley of the Shadow

They wheeled me down the hospital corridors the evening after my c-section to the bay area where our newborn son was being prepared for transfer to the Children’s Hospital across town. I had seen him for a second after delivery, held above the sheet that blocked our view of my internal organs, red and angryContinue reading “Advent Day 10: The Valley of the Shadow”