So You Survived a Global Pandemic. Great! Now What?

“What were some things in your life that were hard or painful for a little while, but then when it was over, there was celebration?” Lydia asked, reading the question from the night’s devotional entry. It is Holy Week. We (I) decided for Lent this year, we would strap in, buckle up, and get throughContinue reading “So You Survived a Global Pandemic. Great! Now What?”

Cranial Nerves and the Ongoing Post-COVID Journey

It’s been 21 months since my initial bout with COVID. I’m still not 100% recovered, maybe 80%? It’s hard to recall what “normal” looked like; I sometimes remember charging forth into every day with deep wells of ambition, staying up late into the night writing or working on a project, leading meetings, spending so muchContinue reading “Cranial Nerves and the Ongoing Post-COVID Journey”

My Ongoing Journey with a Suspected Case of COVID

It’s now been six months since Brandon and I got sick with low grade fevers and fatigue for 14 days, me with shortness of breath that was enough to be thinking about going to the hospital but not enough to feel like I might die. Tests were in short supply and reserved for the veryContinue reading “My Ongoing Journey with a Suspected Case of COVID”